Photography & Web Design

Hi Guys i wanted to put an informative post up about about the interlace between photography and web design.. Enjoy!
Since the appearance of the camera, photography never stopped being a much-appreciated art form. Even in modern days, when technology is everywhere, and anyone is capable of taking a photo, this art form did not go obsolete. More than that, it is incorporated in the web design of many websites. Apparently, no high-tech graphics can be as personal as a photo can. People tend to identify themselves with a picture on the internet, making photography a sought after technique when it comes to online design. Regardless of the website’s theme, an experienced photographer will always manage to make those pictures that will be able to tell more than an informative text. Continue reading Photography & Web Design


Xamjwg is a go! I can’t tell you how excited i am! well i’m going to try haha. As you can see by the featured image ” Just taking care of a few things” sums this project right up, the photo shows my new studio set up with my brand new 52′ LG smart TV, i am just taking care of a few extra things to get this all fired up! I’m looking to have everything ready for the new year.
I’m really happy with my website now, it took me a while to get it figured but i finally got there after some help from my friend Shane (who by the way is amazing at search engine optimisation feel free to go and check his work out, his website is awesome! It’s all so simple now, WordPress is defiantly my favorite blogging platform by far. Continue reading XAMJWG

Hello world!

Hello World! so here it is my first blog post for the XAMJWG project. So today it is the 28/11/2015 and the days are counting down till Christmas. I absolutely love this time of year as it gives me time to wind down and work on my self improvement, at the moment i am reading the book “The Greatest Prospector In The World” by Ken Dunn, and wow this really is some book! Continue reading Hello world!