Xamjwg is a go! I can’t tell you how excited i am! well i’m going to try haha. As you can see by the featured image ” Just taking care of a few things” sums this project right up, the photo shows my new studio set up with my brand new 52′ LG smart TV, i am just taking care of a few extra things to get this all fired up! I’m looking to have everything ready for the new year.
I’m really happy with my website now, it took me a while to get it figured but i finally got there after some help from my friend Shane (who by the way is amazing at search engine optimisation feel free to go and check his work out, his website is awesome! It’s all so simple now, WordPress is defiantly my favorite blogging platform by far.
Also my head is in the right place as i am continuing to work on my mindset (check my last post to see what i do, Click Here). Everything just feels like it’s falling into place i just wish i had no other commitments and could make this project number 1!
If your reading this please feel free to drop me a comment as i haven’t had any engagement yet on my posts and it would be cool to connect with some of you, maybe answer this “simple question” from me to you… If time and money were no object, lets say you had both of these at an abundance, what would you want your life to be like?…
I love that question.. totally knocks people onto the back of there heels haha.
Just for laughs i’m going to answer that question..

  • A camera
  • A vehicle
  • & a map

That’s it. The main things are time and freedom and they don’t come easy in this day and ages we have to work tirelessly to get where we want to be, we have to be something extraordinary, unique and innovative. Xamjwg is not an income producing project, its more of an adventure that hopefully opens new doors for me, possibly that game changing project that’s going to stand out from the others.
Well it’s getting late for me now after a hard days work, i just wanted to post a little update on how things are going and to urge your readers to connect with me.
Speak soon
Charlie Whitehouse

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