The history of taxi’s
In this blog, I will tell you all about how taxis first started. The way the world has changed in terms of transport is so dramatic and no one ever really thinks about just how far we have come over the years. Taxis weren’t always around to chauffeur people about but there were other types of transport that taxis actually originated from.
Where did it all start?
Years ago, there were no such thing as a ‘taxi service’ or a ‘taxi company’. People would hitchhike to their destinations or they would walk. But, in 1823 a two wheeled, two seat carriage called a cabriolet was brought to England and introduced to us from France. This was a huge thing as people could get around the cities with ease and it wasn’t too expensive either.
The taxi that they tried to improve
The first motor cab was invented later on and they were electrically powered. When they first came out, people reported them as being untrustworthy and they later proved to be very unreliable and too costly to run. Fortunately, a french built taxi came available that was petrol powered. But as the costs were still high and London companies had made petrol powered taxis that failed quicker than they were coming out, there were only around 100 taxis working around London city.
In 1907, it was made compulsory for every taxi to have a taximetre. From there being taxi fleets all over London, it went down to just one make available to buy, the Unic. This happened due to the The First World War that devastated the taxi trade. As the company turned to producing munitions to help the war, the Unic stopped and were ceased.
All the world at war
Between the wars, William Beardmore & Co were an engineering company and their company built the first post war taxi in Glasgow. Due to the taxi being comfortable and very sturdy, it was known as the rolls royce of taxis and soon became very popular in 1919. While the Second World War was full speed ahead, the majority of taxi workers were called to join the army and take the role of a soldier instead, resulting in the taxi industry ceasing again.
Although most roles that men left to join the army were taken over by women, a taxi driver was not one of those jobs. There was no time for women in those days to learn the roads, names and places of London and were needed elsewhere during the Second World War.
What happened next?
After all of the wars had finished, engineers began to upgrade their taxis and compete with the world. With new ideas coming from everywhere, a taxi was made that had everybody talking. Soon, taxis became less of a talking point and more of a standard thing. Taxi’s were seen so often that they were just apart of our everyday lives.
With taxis today being so well advanced, taximeters being perfectly accurate, drivers wearing suits and the taxi cabs being so reliable, they are a big part of today’s world. Today, Mercedes and BMW often have the job of being a more luxurious taxi car but there are other companies starting to come forward too.
Just a little recap
So from starting out as horse and carriages to electric taxis, petrol powered to the smart, attractive taxis we have today, the world really has changed in the taxi industry over the past years. People have become more fond of taxis as engineer companies have become more clever with their ideas. Now, would you have ever thought that a horse and carriage could result in our taxi cars today? Back then, no one would have ever imagined it.